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CreateTEEN Workshop Series

  • Creative Suitland 4719 Silver Hill Road Suitland-Silver Hill, MD, 20746 United States (map)

CALLING ALL TEENS! Are you an aspiring Songwriter? Do you have dreams of becoming the next Tyler Perry?

Join us at Creative Suitland this summer to experience creative workshops ranging from creative writing, songwriting to theater! Activites are designed for ages 13-17. Saturdays from 11AM-2PM (starting May 21st!).

This program is FREE for teens. Space is limited; pre-registration is required. Walk-ins may not be accepted due to limited space. A Parent or Guardian will need to complete a Youth Registration Packet on the first day, so please arrive at least 15min early.


11AM-12N | Raw Poety Productions with DaTruthDaPoet | Dive into the art of poetry and spoken word performances

12N-1PM | Something to Say: Creative Writing with Miss Kiane | Learn to express yourself through the art of poetry and creative writing.

1PM-2PM | Lyrics and Melodies with Rebekah Laur'en | Learn the power of words to create songs that affect your environment.


*One ticket per child please! Registration secures entry to all workshops from 11AM-2PM.

*Snacks and water will be provided for registered teens. 

*The series will run for 21 weeks (ending in mid-October). A culminating showcase will be announced at a later date (October 2022)

*Program will not operate on the following dates: July 2nd & September 3rd

May 23

SOUND OFF: Open Mic Mondays

May 28

Creative Saturday: Arts on a Roll