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Metro's Better Bus Workshop

  • Creative Suitland 4719 Silver Hill Road Suitland-Silver Hill, MD, 20746 United States (map)

Creative Suitland is excited to announce that it will host a Better Bus LIVE! event as part of Metro’s Better Bus Network Redesign. 

Metro is organizing 50 events in 50 days, starting April 17 through June 5, to gather customer feedback on the Visionary Network - a new, draft bus network and Metro’s vision for faster, more frequent, and reliable bus service for our region. The Visionary Network will allow Metro to better connect people to where they want to go and keep up with our evolving region with a focus on equity, inclusiveness, and access to opportunity through an easy-to-use bus network, no matter where customers are. The input will be used to refine the bus network's redesign, including Metrobus, the City of Fairfax CUE Bus, and Prince George’s County TheBus systems.

For more information about Creative Suitland and to participate in the Better Bus Experience Lab or Experience Live!, please visit or Your feedback is crucial to building a Better Bus network, and we look forward to welcoming the community at Creative Suitland.

May 20

Creative Saturday: Arts on a Roll

May 21

African Dance & Drum Classes with Ni Dembaya